Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Vicious Pitt Bull

Beware! We have all heard the warnings about how vicious Pitt Bulls need to be banned and go the way of the dinosaur. Personally, I think that paranoia is media driven and a bit ridiculous. Yes, there are some Pitt Bulls that have been raised to be vicious. Yes, Pitt Bulls have been involved in attacks. The tragedy is that all we hear about are the bad Pitt Bulls. Just like we only hear about the planes that crash. Yet there are over two thousand planes that fly every single day. We never hear about those. Just like we never hear about the Pit Bulls that are gentle and loving and loyal. Please keep everything you hear in its proper perspective and remember, Pitt Bulls can wear tutus and look darn adorable doing it. Pictured is Indie visiting the Dallas Dog Expo on Saturday at the Dallas Market Hall.  The only attack she performed was the casual slinging of doggy slobber and lubbins.

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